Real Plants Florida
Add native plants to your landscape
and bring home the beauty of real Florida.
Industry Professionals:

Alexander Landscaping


830 S Flamingo Rd (View on Map)
Davie, Florida 33325-4402
Broward County


Creative sustainable landscapes designed and installed for the past 30 years in Broward county. Five acres of plant material ready for your environmental experience. Hours: 8-4pm, Mon, thru Sat.

Please note: Plant inventories change frequently. Please call for availability.

Plant NameSizeOther infoSort Order
Callicarpa americana (Beautyberry, American Beautyberry) 3g 109
Capparis cynophallophora (Jamaica Caper) 3g 109
Citharexylum spinosum (Fiddlewood) 3g 109
Coreopsis leavenworthii (Tickseed, Coreopsis) g 91
Ernodea littoralis (Golden Creeper, Beach Creeper, Golden Beach Creeper) g 91
Eugenia axillaris (White Stopper) 3g 109
Eugenia foetida (Spanish Stopper) 3g 109
Eugenia rhombea (red stopper) 3g 109
Forestiera segregata 'pineland' (Pineland Floida Privet) 3g 109
Gaillardia pulchella (Blanket Flower, Indian Blanket, Firewheel Daisy) g 91
Guaiacum sanctum (Native Lignum Vitae) 3g 109
Hamelia patens (Firebush) 3g 109
Helianthus debilis spp. (Dune Sunflower, Beach sunflower) g 91
Ilex krugiana (Krug's Holly) 3g 109
Krugiodendron ferreum (Black Ironwood) 3g 109
Lycium carolinianum (Christmas Berry) 3g 109
Myrcianthes fragrans (Simpson Stopper) 3g 109
Passiflora suberosa (Corky Stem Passionflower) 3g 109
Pinus elliottii var. densa (South Florida Slash Pine) 3g+ 115
Psychotria ligustrifolia (Bahama Coffee) 3g 109
Psychotria nervosa (Shiny Leaf Wild Coffee, Wild Coffee) 3g 109
Ruellia caroliniensis (Wild Petunia) g 91
Salvia coccinea (Tropical Red Sage, Red Sage) g 91
Sisyrinchium spp. (blue-eyed grass) g 91
Thrinax radiata (Florida Thatch Palm) 10g 157
Bourreria succulenta (Bahama strongback, Bahama strongbark [error]) 3g+ 115
Eugenia confusa (Redberry Stopper, Red Stopper) 7g+ 139
Flaveria linearis (Yellowtop) g 91
Glandularia maritima (Beach Verbena) g 91
Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis (Elderberry, Elder) 3g 109