Real Plants Florida
Add native plants to your landscape
and bring home the beauty of real Florida.
Industry Professionals:

Veber's Jungle Garden

By appointment/limited hours

24605 SW 197th Ave (View on Map)
Homestead, Florida 33031
Miami-Dade County


Please call for appointment. One of Miami-Dade County's oldest native nurseries. Specializing in quality native trees, shrubs, palms and flowering plants. Come tour the nursery grounds, planted with wildflowers, shrubs, small and large trees to help you decide what would be right for your garden. And enjoy all the butterflies and birds interacting with the vast array of plants. Landscaping and consultation also available.

Please note: Plant inventories change frequently. Please call for availability.

Plant NameSizeOther infoSort Order
Bourreria succulenta (Bahama strongback, Bahama strongbark [error]) 7g 133
Capparis cynophallophora (Jamaica Caper) 3g 109
Citharexylum spinosum (Fiddlewood) 7g 133
Ernodea littoralis (Golden Creeper, Beach Creeper, Golden Beach Creeper) 3g 109
Erythrina herbacea (Cherokee bean, Coral bean) 3g 109
Eugenia foetida (Spanish Stopper) 3g 109
Forestiera segregata (Florida Privet) 3g 109
Guaiacum sanctum (Native Lignum Vitae) 7g 133
Guapira discolor (Blolly) 7g 133
Hamelia patens (Firebush) 3g 109
Lantana involucrata (Native White Lantana, Wild Sage, Butterfly sage) 3g 109
Pinus elliottii var. densa (South Florida Slash Pine) 3g 109
Pithecellobium keyense (blackbead) 7g 133
Psychotria ligustrifolia (Bahama Coffee) 3g 109
Senna mexicana var. chapmanii (Bahama cassia, Chapman) 3g 109
Acoelorrhaphe wrightii (Paurotis Palm, Everglades Palm) 3g 109
Tetrazygia bicolor (Tetrazygia) 3g 109
Bourreria cassinifolia (Smooth Strongbark) 3g 109
Byrsonima lucida (Locust Berry) 7g 133
Conocarpus erectus () g 91
Eugenia confusa (Redberry Stopper, Red Stopper) 7g 133
Crossopetalum rhacoma (Rhacoma) 3g 109
Eugenia axillaris (White Stopper) 7g 133
Ficus citrifolia (Short Leaf Fig) 3g 109
Gaillardia pulchella (Blanket Flower, Indian Blanket, Firewheel Daisy) g 91
Galactia striata (coastal hammock milkpea) 3g 109
Manilkara jaimiqui (wild dilly) 7g 133
Randia aculeata (White Indigo Berry) 3g 109
Myrsine cubana (Myrsine) 7g 133
Thrinax morrisii (Key Thatch Palm) 7g 133
Conocarpus erectus () 7g 15g 133